Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts — Lauren Nicholsen


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Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts

Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts

Maple Bacon Brussels sprouts

Maple bacon brussels sprouts for thanksgiving

This is one of my favorite dishes to make for the holidays, it is so sweet and crunchy!


  • 1 lb of Bacon

  • 1 cup of Brussels Sprouts

  • 1⁄4 cup of olive oil

  • 1⁄4 cup of maple syrup

  • Salt and pepper

  1. In a large skillet add bacon and cook until golden and crispy. Remove the bacon and all but 1-2 tablespoons of bacon fat.

  2. Chop brussels sprouts in half. In the hot skillet add brussels

    sprouts cut side down and let cook until golden and crispy. Flip

    them over and cook for another 5 minutes.

  3. Return bacon to the skillet and add maple syrup, and a pinch of

    salt and pepper.

  4. Mix well until well coated and crispy.

  5. Enjoy!!

Salt and pepper to taste.

Add pecans and extra maple syrup for the last 15 minutes if you would like more of a sweet dish.

Serve immediately!

source: @MrsLaurenNicholsen

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