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How to Make Homemade Egg Nog

How to Make Homemade Egg Nog

How to make Homemade Egg Nog

how to make egg nog

This is one of our favorite traditions, Ron and I have been hosting holiday parties with this egg nog for 10 years!!! Please note that this recipe is a 3 gallon recipe, and it can be cut down into 1/4ths.

We typically make one batch each year (however in 2020 we had 3 lol).. we love to serve a very small glass to friends after dinner, at our Christmas parties and we typically drop it off to our friends on Christmas Eve. It is a super fun and fat filled tradition we hope you enjoy!

****Please drink responsibly! ****

The Recipe

how to make egg nog



•   24  Eggs

•   2 pounds of Powdered Sugar 

•   4 quarts of Heavy Whipping Cream

•    3 cups of Clear Rum

•   3 cups of Brandy

•   4 cups of Whiskey (Makers Mark)

•   1 teaspoon Salt

•   1 teaspoon of Vanilla 

•   Dash of Nutmeg in the glass




Separate the egg whites and egg yolks into 2 separate bowls. In a stand-up mixer, slowly add 2 pounds of powdered sugar to bowl of egg yolks.  Once they yolk and sugar are well combined, add 2 cups of whiskey and 2 cups of brandy.  Mix well and let sit for 1 hour. 

In a large bowl or bucket, add 4 quarts of heavy whipping cream, 3 cups of rum, 1 cup of brandy and 2 cups of whiskey and egg yolk mixture.

In a new mixing bowl, add egg whites, salt and vanilla, mix until egg whites are starting to show stiff peaks, be careful not to over mix and dry out the egg whites. 

In the large bowl of heavy whipping cream/ egg yolk mixture, fold in the whipped egg yolks until well combined. Mix well for at least 5 minutes. 

If you have a mother, add it in now. Then use another large bowl and pour the mixture back and forth between the bowls until well mixed. Pour a quart of your egg nog into a Ball Jar and freeze for next year! 

Pour the mixture back into the heavy whipping cream bottles and hand out to friends, serve for holiday parties and enjoy responsibly.




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